Sunday, October 30, 2011

Good everyone blog followers, it is Jeff again, with some more funny pictures of life driving on the wrong side of the road.......and, honestly, it's a lot of fun.  When you're sick in Japan, you wear masks to avoid contanminating everyone else around, as demonstrated above, but you all hang out naked in a communal hot spring pool and share atheletes's all about priorities!
The toilets have higher technology than the starship Enterprise, and all the instructions are in Japanese, so it's kinda trial and error.  You can see how worried I am in the above pic, and did I mention the seats go up and down automatically? So try and avoid errors!

The cars almost all have built in GPS, which also serves as TV set/DVD player/Entertainment Centre/weather station and a bunch of other things that you should NOT be looking at while you are driving.  Ask Erin, she almost had to get to a chiropractor to relieve the tension headache from our drive to Mt Aso, when our driver was looking at everything on the screen and nothing on the road.....I think he was texting at the same time too. Danger!!!! and white knuckles!

Fashion also seems to be A Very Big Deal, and as these three fashionistas are busy demonstrating with much gusto that the pink duck hat never goes out of style.  This was at the Suizen-ji garden, where it's all about seeing and being seen.
And as fashion goes, no one has more fun than the Japanese on Hallowe'en. These two tykes were at the shopping arcade in downtown Kumamoto with their mom when I asked for their picture.  The were looking at me thinking, where did you come from, why are you so beeeeg and why you want my picture?? So cute. They were about 3 and 5.

Thanks again, blog to you soon.

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